Anti-Racism Resource for Nonprofit Folx

Hey nonprofit folx,

I don’t know how to watch our communities be oppressed, abused, and murdered while recognizing that this is the reality many of you live every day. 

But I need to be loudly anti-racist. And as a nonprofit leader dedicated to improving your community, I need you to be anti-racist. 

We need to do more than share memes on Facebook and grieve for our BIPOC friends. We need to recognize it is a privilege to learn about racism - instead of dying from it. We need to examine our white fragility, as uncomfortable as it can be.

There are many conversations happening right now from which we can learn and I implore you to join them - a few resources and articles are linked below.

And to the Black folx reading this...  I hear your rage, fear, dreams, and voices. I hear you.

Anti-Racism Resources

Educate Yourself

This document is intended to serve as a resource to white people and parents to deepen our anti-racism work. If you haven’t engaged in anti-racism work in the past, start now.

Be part of an anti-racism nonprofit community

The Facebook group Nonprofit Happy Hour lives its values of equity, respect, joy, and confidentiality and is one of the most valuable free resources I’ve ever encountered. 

Give Your Money

  • The Knox Project - This organization reduces implicit bias through an intervention between law enforcement policy, officer training methods, and community stakeholders.

  • Community Justice Project - Their work combats state-sanctioned violence and the criminalization of youth of color. It aims to dismantle structural and institutional racism.

  • Code2040 - Their mission is to activate, connect, and mobilize the largest racial equity community in tech to dismantle the structural barriers that prevent the full participation and leadership of Black and Latinx people in the innovation economy.

  • The Innocence Project - They exonerate the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reform the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice.

Listen to BIPOC on Social Media 









If you have a resource to add to this list, please email me at or comment below so I can add it to the list.


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