Case Study: Press Forward - Navigating the Power of Nonprofit Partnerships

Empowering Change Through Collective Action

In a world increasingly shaped by headlines and hashtags, the importance of reliable local news often finds itself at the forefront of our discussions. We're all familiar with that unsettling feeling of being left in the dark about the happenings in our own communities. It's a concern that extends far beyond our personal newsfeeds; it affects the very fabric of our democracy.

Enter the Press Forward initiative, a beacon of hope in the world of journalism. Backed by a formidable coalition of 22 donors, this groundbreaking effort sets out to rekindle the flame of local news and information in the United States. With a staggering commitment of over $500 million over the next five years, Press Forward takes a stand against the decline of local news coverage that has left 20 percent of Americans stranded in what are ominously called "news deserts."

At Giant Squid Group, we understand the significance of robust journalism, especially for nonprofits like yours that rely on accurate information to drive change. The Press Forward initiative isn't just about resuscitating local news; it's about rejuvenating the very heart of our democracy. As a nonprofit committed to the social good, you'll find a wealth of insights in this case study that can help you navigate the complex landscape of collaboration, shared values, and adaptability.

Join us as we delve into the inspiring journey of Press Forward and discover how nonprofits like yours can leverage these lessons to create lasting impact in your fields.


The Press Forward initiative, announced by a coalition of 22 donors in September 2023, represents a groundbreaking effort to revitalize local news and information in the United States. With a commitment of more than $500 million over the next five years, Press Forward seeks to address the critical issue of declining local news coverage, which has left 20 percent of Americans living in "news deserts" with inadequate access to reliable information about local events.


The primary objective of the Press Forward initiative is to strengthen communities and democracy by reinvigorating local news and information. The initiative aims to achieve this by supporting local journalism, promoting new scalable models, addressing long-standing inequalities in journalism, and advancing public policies that expand access to local news and civic information.

Key Learnings for Nonprofits:

  1. Collaboration and Coordination: Press Forward demonstrates the power of collaboration among diverse funders and stakeholders. Nonprofits can learn that joining forces with other organizations and donors can amplify their impact and create a more coordinated approach to addressing complex issues.

  2. Shared Values and Vision: The initiative's success is built on a set of shared values that guide grantmaking, including prioritizing transformation, centering community needs, growing with equity, ensuring accessibility, and preserving editorial independence. Nonprofits should consider developing and communicating their own set of guiding principles to maintain focus and align efforts with partners.

  3. Adaptation to Changing Needs: Press Forward adapts to the evolving landscape of journalism by addressing the changing needs of local communities. Nonprofits should continually assess the relevance of their programs and initiatives in response to shifting circumstances.

  4. Diversity and Inclusion: The initiative emphasizes the importance of diversity of experience and thought in journalism and news organizations. Nonprofits should prioritize diversity and inclusion in their strategies to ensure that underserved communities are represented and served.

  5. Policy Advocacy: Press Forward recognizes the role of policy in expanding access to local news. Nonprofits should explore opportunities to engage in nonpartisan public policy development, analysis, and advocacy to advance their missions effectively.

  6. Fiscal Sponsorship: The role of The Miami Foundation as the fiscal sponsor for Press Forward highlights the importance of effective financial management and grant coordination. Nonprofits can benefit from exploring fiscal sponsorship arrangements to streamline operations and pool resources efficiently.

  7. Long-Term Commitment: Press Forward's five-year commitment underscores the importance of sustained, long-term support for initiatives addressing systemic challenges. Nonprofits should consider developing multi-year funding strategies to maintain momentum and achieve lasting impact.

  8. Adaptability and Flexibility: The phased approach to grantmaking, with some funders making exemplary aligned grants before others, highlights the importance of adaptability and flexibility in nonprofit initiatives. Nonprofits should be open to adjusting their timelines and strategies based on changing circumstances and donor preferences.


The Press Forward initiative serves as an inspiring case study for nonprofits looking to address critical societal issues through collaboration, shared values, and a commitment to adaptability. By learning from the lessons of Press Forward, nonprofits can enhance their capacity to create positive and lasting change in their respective fields.


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