30 Minutes To Use Your Fundraising Technology Better! ⏰

It's time to stop wasting your money on tools you're not using.

And it's time to really use your tools to save you time...and headaches.

Look, I know the nonprofit sector is not known for its tech-savviness. We're bargain shoppers, coupon clippers, free-software users, and sometimes tech Luddites. But we can - and should - start using the many tools available!

Technology and tools are an important part of any fundraising or nonprofit operation, from our websites to our CRMs. However, it's not enough to just have them – you need to use them effectively in order to see results. That's why we love conducting a regular tool and tech audit - to see the full landscape of our tech tools and figure out which ones we can use better and which ones we might not even need. It also helps us make sure that we are using the tools to the fullest extent possible and that we're not paying for tools that could be simplified or replaced. Conducting a tool and tech audit can help you work smarter, not harder, and keep your costs down!

Time For Your Tool and Tech Audit

So, what does a tool and tech audit entail? It’s not too fancy and hopefully not too daunting. Honestly, it usually takes us about half an hour to take a look at our software subscriptions and make sure we’re maximizing their usage. 

Start by going through all of your tools and making a list. For each tool, ask yourself three questions:

  • Are we actually using this tool?

  • What are we using this tool for?

  • Could we be using this tool differently or better?

From there, you can figure out if you need to upgrade, downgrade, or cancel any subscriptions. You might also want to make sure you are using the tools to the fullest extent – for example, are you taking advantage of all the features of your CRM? Is your website as user-friendly as it could be? Are there any features of your fundraising software that you're not using but could be?

Next, figure out which tools could be simplified or replaced. Sometimes we hang on to outdated tools because we're used to them, but there might be newer, better options out there that could save you time and money. Other times, we have multiple tools that serve the same purpose – do  you really need both that scheduling software and that project management software? Do a little research and see if there's a tool that can do both!

Here’s the result of our Q2 Giant Squid Group Tech Audit!

Systematizing Your Tech & Tool Audit

To get the most out of your tool and tech audit, it's important to set aside time for it on a regular basis. 

We like to do ours quarterly, but you might want to do it semi-annually or even annually. You can involve other staff members or volunteers in the process – delegate responsibility for different tools or sections of your website, for example. 

Why quarterly? Well, our needs - and available tools - change. Regularly knowing what tools you have - and how to use them - helps you stay ahead of the curve and work smarter, not harder. 

Lastly, make sure that you know how certain tools are used, what automations are in place, and how they all work together. There’s nothing worse than a mysterious web of software that talks to each other…and never seems to work!  For each tool you decide to keep, make sure that you clearly outline:

  • What the tool does 

  • How it is used

  • What tools does it integrate with (if any!) 

  • Who is responsible for maintaining it. 

The bottom line is that a tool and tech audit is a helpful way to make sure your nonprofit is using its resources effectively. It can help you save time and money in the long run by ensuring that you're using the right tools for the job and that you're using them to the fullest extent.

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