Build a Sustainable, Lucrative Grant Program that Never Misses Another Deadline

Congratulations on winning a grant! Your nonprofit has worked tirelessly to get this far - but there's still more work to be done! Do you know what you need to do once you actually receive that grant? For starters, you need to make sure that you review the grant contract thoroughly, update your database with all of the details, and celebrate with your team. Let's take a closer look at each step.

Review Your Grant Contract

First and foremost, review the grant contract thoroughly for several reasons. First, you need to make sure that you understand all of the requirements and reporting deadlines associated with the grant. Second, you need to ensure that you are familiar with the organization's policies and procedures regarding grant disbursement and reporting. Finally, you need to make sure that you are comfortable with the terms of the grant agreement before signing it. By taking the time to review the contract carefully, you can avoid any misunderstandings or surprises down the road, like a grant report that sneaks up on you - the worst surprise ever!

Read more: Show Grantmakers Why Your Work is Worth Funding

Update Your Calendar

Next, make sure to track the grant award details in your grant calendar. This simple - yet often ignored - step allows you to keep track of deadlines, requirements, and other important details, so that you never miss another deadline or make a mistake with your reporting. It also helps you stay organized and efficient as you manage your grant program, and all its many moving pieces

Add Details to Your Database

If you have a CRM or database, now is the time to add the details of the award to your nonprofit's CRM or database. This step is important for two reasons. First, it allows you to keep track of your history with the funder who gave you the grant.  Second, it helps you categorize and track the grant information so that you can refer to it in the future.

This may seem obvious, but when we're rushing to meet deadlines, it's easy to forget all of these details. Organization is critical when it comes to writing grants, as missing deadlines or making mistakes can have serious consequences for your nonprofit. Whether you are just starting with grant writing or have been doing it for years, being organized and efficient is essential to ensure that your grant reporting is accurate and on time. This not only helps you meet your goals but also builds trust with the funding organization and strengthens your chances of being awarded future grants.

Read more:  6 Secrets to Winning Grant Funding for Your Nonprofit

Celebrate Your Success!

Finally, once all of the other steps have been completed, it's time to celebrate your success with the rest of your team. Take a moment to recognize everyone who helped get this grant awarded. This is a big accomplishment and everyone deserves to feel proud of their hard work. A simple celebration can go a long way in boosting morale and motivating the team, especially if a grant has been particularly trying to write, submit, and win!

Need some inspiration to get organized, or want to see how we handle the dozens of grants we write and submit each week? Grab our Grant Calendar & Budget Workbook now, and start getting more organized today!


Use Your Grants as a Tool of Change


How to Write a Grant Proposal Need Statement That Gets Funded